Snow sports school Omeshorn, Alpincenter Lech

Snow sports school Omeshorn, Alpincenter Lech

A team of trained ski instructors, snow sport instructors and mountain guides will make your holiday a memorable experience. They offer you safety, fun, unforgettable experiences and great learning success. Even if you are already good at skiing, carving, snowboarding, telemarking or cross-country skiing; with us you can expand your limits, improve your style and discover new dimensions in winter sports.

Contact & reservation

Snow sports school Omeshorn, Alpincenter Lech

Location & arrival

Tannberg 443
6764 Lech am Arlberg

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Ski School Exclusive

A very warm welcome to our Ski School EXKLUSIV

A spectacular ski and snowboard area

We will show you how to develop the skills that will allow you to reach your own personal potential and experience the sport in a way that most skiers never do.

In our lessons the focus is always on your goals whether you want to improve your technique or simply need a partner to explore the Arlberg.

Looking forward to meeting you at our office at Pension Sabine in Oberlech (Please consider the 2G rule).

Our office hours are: Monday, Wednesday, Friday to Sunday from 07:30 to 12:00 and in the afternoon by telephone appointment from 14:00 to 19:00! Tuesday and Thursday from 07:30 to 11:30 - closed in the afternoon! By phone we are always available for you!


Thomas Lödler and his team
diploma certified instructor, guide and ski coach

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