Om Chanting at Madlochblick

27.01 TO 27.01
17:15 TO 18:15 O'CLOCK

OM Chanting is an ancient spiritual practice. The transformative power of OM has the potential to favourably influence ourselves and our surroundings. OM Chanting is consciously used to bring positive energies to people, places and life situations. Many people experience beneficial changes through participation in OM Chanting.

They experience: inner peace and tranquillity
 Clarity and serenity
 Joy and energy
 Physical well-being

The vibrational field of an OM Chanting circle spreads over a radius of 2 km and has a harmonising effect on people and nature.
Change begins with ourselves. Be a part of this positive change and chant OM with us.
When: during the winter season every 2nd Monday, 5.15 pm - 6.15 pm
Registration requested under: Ricarda Holzleitner, +43 680 2386715
Information at: