The demanding Arlberg Trail should not be underestimated, but its beauty still harbors risks. We therefore recommend thorough research into the route and possible alternatives (more information in tip 5) and also a basic level of fitness.
- First tip: equipment
- Second tip: Orientation and time management in the field.
- Third tip: Know your body
- Fourth tip: weather
- Fifth tip: Alternative routes
First tip: equipment
Let's start with the right equipment, in addition to a well-fitting backpack, the things in it belong here.
- First aid kit
- Sun protection
- Sufficient water and food
- Luggage distribution in the group (not 5 people and a backpack)
- Good shoes, hiking boots (ankle-high)
- Mobile
- Warmer clothing (altitude difference will affect temperatures)
Second tip: orientation and time management in the field.
As mentioned at the beginning, this long distance requires good research with regard to the route. In this high alpine terrain, the safety aspect plays an important role.
Therefore you should know where you are and at what time you will arrive at the next waypoint.
This allows you to calculate when you are where, breaks are well divided and if an accident should happen, the emergency services can be provided with specific information. Which has a faster help as a result.
Extra tip time to start:
Start at 8.30 a.m. in Lech Rüffikopf, no later than 4.30 p.m. at Valluga 1.
Third tip: know your body
Self-responsibility in the high alpine region is the core. Every person is an individual, which is why different physical abilities will appear in a group. The group is always as fast as the slowest member, so be considerate.
You can also be relaytic and honest, if you need a break, you need one. That's completely ok and legitimate, after all you're on vacation and not in a competitive sports camp. So take your time and enjoy the view.
Pain is also often taken as a sign, listen to your body, nobody knows it better than you do.
Fourth tip: weather
Find out exactly what the weather will be like for the planned start, if you are unsure, feel free to contact us.
Especially when there are thunderstorms in the mountains, it can quickly become very tricky.
So always keep an eye on the weather while hiking, if you get a bad feeling in your stomach, then listen to your gut feeling and turn around.
Hikes will always come.
Fifth tip: deviations or an alternative route
There is an alternative route marked in blue on the map, which is relevant in bad weather, especially thunderstorms.