Literaricum Lech

10:00 O'CLOCK

from 10.00 a.m. Raoul Schrott: Homer's Ilias
The poet and writer Raoul Schrott reads from and talks about the first European work of literature, which has since been politically instrumentalised like no other.
Duration: 60 - 70 min
Where: Kriegeralpe

from 3 pm Debate: Dogmas and taboos in literature and everyday life
Philosopher Philipp Hübl (‘Moralspektakel’) and journalist Sophia Fritz (‘Toxische Weiblichkeit’) talk to Raoul Schrott about the zeitgeist and its moralising rules and prohibitions.
Duration: 60 - 70 min
Where: Hotel Sonnenburg

from 6 pm Workshop discussion on translation
The Swedish writer Aris Fioretos, who has translated around ten titles by Vladimir Nabokov - including ‘Lolita’ - talks to Nicola Steiner about why Nabokov speaks of ‘backbone’ in connection with great literature, about the love of detail and why ‘Lolita’ is such a stirring read.
Duration: 60 - 70 min
Where: Hotel Sonnenburg

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