Dear Walser people, dear Walser friends
The Walser Games in Lötschental 2019, Triesenberg 2021 and Klosters 2022 are history and will remain unforgettable.
Now the 4th Walser Games are coming to Lech, for the first time in Vorarlberg.
What are the Walser Games about?
Under the patronage of the Internat. Vereinigung für Walsertum (IvfW), the Walser Games are organised entirely in the spirit of friendship and contact between the Walser people. Every young and young-at-heart Walser should feel addressed and invite friends to take part in the games.
The games allow Walsers to get together and compete in sporting competitions under the motto "Taking part is everything".
You register as a team/group of at least 5 people.
They can be male, female or mixed groups.
The competitions and the rules of the game will be explained on site. The best team then becomes the proud owner of the coveted "challenge cup". This remains with the winning team until the next games.
The games will begin after the opening ceremony by the President of the IvfW on 14 September 2024, between 11 a.m. and 12 noon, and will last all afternoon.
The award ceremony and the Walser evening will take place in the Lechwelten. The municipality of Lech invites you to dinner. Entertainment will be provided by "huramäntig" good music.
Registration deadline is 20 June 2024.

- Participation in the games is free of charge
- Insurance is the responsibility of the participants
- The organisation accepts no liability
- Catering stands will of course be available during the games