Skirennläuferin Susanne Riesch

Der Weiße Ring - The Interview

Susanne Riesch gives valuable tips on racing as former ski racer

All those who dare to start the race Der Weiße Ring probably want the same thing: helpful tips! And that's exactly what we got for our participants. Susanne Riesch, former German ski racer, talks about her experiences with the race!

In an interview with Susanne Riesch

Susanne Riesch is a former German ski racer who already competed in Der Weiße Ring - Das Rennen in 2015.  Many people probably immediately ask themselves whether such a race is still interesting for a female ski racer. And we can say, yes it is! "What is special is that you can choose your own route/track. As a former ski racer, I was used to always skiing a set course. This is not the case with this particular race. You can choose the shortest route into the valley," Susanne Riesch tells us. In this answer, the ski racer brings up the subject of habit - can one get used to racing at all, is there no longer any nervousness at some point?

Skirennläuferin Susanne Riesch
“You are tense before every race. At the start in front of Der Weiße Ring it was even a bit more, because there was something unknown in front of me. In a World Cup race it's routine and you know what to expect. It was different in this particular race. But the excitement quickly subsided after the first mountain. Then you are on your own and always look for the fastest way to the next lift.”
Susanne Riesch
former german ski racer

Speaking of the lift - the racer sees a very special challenge here: "Part of the challenge was queuing at the lift. Sometimes you had to use your body to get into the lift faster." Of course we listened more closely to find out what the atmosphere was like among the participants: "The atmosphere among the participants was great. Both in the starting area and at the finish. I have very positive memories of the race. I especially liked the fact that you can compete as a team and that this created a great team spirit."  Another special experience of the race for Susanne Riesch was the longed-for finish, which finally came after 22 kilometres and 5 lifts: "At the end you still have to find your way through some gate bars. You realise at that moment that you are just before the finish line. The downswing was special because many people were cheering at the finish line. Since I competed in a team, it was very nice when the team members "received" you."  In order for every starter to experience this feeling and cross the finish line healthy but still fast, we got a valuable tip from the former ski racer:

Skirennläuferin Susanne Riesch
“The important thing is to find a rider who is fast and who you can follow. Just have fun. If you are too tense, mistakes or falls will happen. Just enjoy yourself, have fun and ski fast. And watch out when queuing at the lifts.... ;-)”
Susanne Riesch
former german ski racer
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