Sonia Zimmermann
Owner of the "Lenai + Linai" fashion store
Winter 2020/21:
“It feels like the movie ‘Groundhog Day.’”
I had always wanted to take some time off. Do nothing and just contemplate things for a year. The last few years have been incredibly exhausting for me. Business has gotten so much better, but for me that just meant work and more work. Now I just recently thought of this desire again. And even though it all unfolded differently than what I had imagined, I enjoyed the time as my time off. I work much less and everything happens at a much slower and leisurely pace. I haven't done anything noteworthy in that time either, but maybe that it still to come.
My everyday life feels like the movie ‘Groundhog Day.’” I do the same thing every day and always meet the same people. One thing I noticed was that people are now talking to each other. And I have the feeling that everyone is pretty relaxed. But I might be wrong.
When it comes to next winter, I look forward to seeing the many regulars again who have suffered along with me and with whom I have also been in contact during the lockdowns. I have sent quite a few parcels during that time. Otherwise, I can't imagine continuing as before. I should find another sales representative for the store.
Summer 2022:
Last winter, however, everything was back to normal. It was super exhausting, one had to focus one’s energy and still live in the fear of getting Corona and having to lock up. Fortunately, this did not happen – neither to my employee nor to me; by the way, I did not hire another sales representative. It actually turned into a great winter. We didn't send any more parcels, the regulars came back – with the only difference being that they wore masks. Many were really happy about seeing me again face to face. And so was I.